Avv. Angela Congi
Lawyer Angela Congi was born in Cosenza on September 1, 1978.
- After receiving the scientific maturity, she graduated in Law at the Università di Catanzaro “Magna Graecia” in October 28, 2005 with a thesis on “Il sistema delle invalidità contrattuali nel diritto comunitario” under the supervision of Professor Aquila Villella.
- During the university studies, she earned the Professional title of Progettista Software Applicativo and Operatore Professionale Personal Computing, building a remarkable experience in information technology.
- She also acquired, according to recent legislation, the ECDL ( European Computer Driving Licence).
- Since January 2006 she worked with Studio Legale Commerciale Villecco & Associati dealing mainly for civil law, in particular, debt recovery and forced expropriation.
- She was admitted to Albo degli Avvocati since December 22, 2008.
- She carries in continuous and constant way, the legal profession at various Courts of Calabria.
- She has been a teacher for private companies employees in the field of consumer credit and transparency in commercial activities.